Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thinking Like a Mountain Summary

In Aldo Leopld's Thinking Like a Mountain he explains the relationship between animals and their natural habitat. In one section he tells a story of how he was young and shot a wolf from the top of a cliff. When he saw the wolf die he realized that it was wrong and neither the mountain nor the wolf liked it. He realized that the connection between the animals and the mountain is different and much greater than he anticipated.

Monday, September 2, 2013

TED Talk: Restoring a Rainforest for a Stronger Biodiversity

Hundreds of square miles of rainforest have been either burned or cut down, but Willie Smits wants to bring them back.Though do to the increased rate of forest fires the difficulty of regrowing a rainforest is extreme. But Smits has created a very specific form of planting trees that will keep wild fires out and the biodiversity strong. As well as create a home for people and animals alike.